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Welcome, and thank you for considering HCS. Admission is open to all children but not subjected to any discrimination, including national origin, sex, religious affiliation, race, ethnicity or disability.

We strive to provide educated programs and opportunities for students as needed based on individual interests, values, abilities and potential. Also, to make the enrollment process seamless and informative. Our admissions team is all set to provide detailed information, respond to your queries and guide you through the admission process.

Admission Placement

Admissions are open all year round from grade toddlers to Grade 4 based on the GES - approved placement. Exceptions requested will have to go through an approval process with the admissions committee.

Age range by September this year of admission.

Age of Pupils HCS Placement

Up to 2 years

Toddlers & Creche

3 years


4 years

KG 1

5 years

KG 2

6 years

Grade 1

7 years

Grade 2

8 years

Grade 3

9 years

Grade 4

Additional Services

Healthy Lunch

Ready-to-wear Uniforms

School Bus

Healthy lunch

HCS provides school lunch, which payment can be on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

Ready-to-wear uniforms

Ready-to-wear uniforms are available at the school store for all grade levels, from toddlers to primary.

School Bus

HCS provides transportation to several selected areas.

Sibling Discount

HCS offer a special discount that applies to two or more children attending the school from one family.

Enroll your ward now